Back Pleat
Front Skirt
Front Skirt
For this costume, you will require intermediate to experienced expertise in sewing
Difficulty factor 10 - 10
Please note, that we do not make costumes to order or to hire. These are one off costumes designed for Tracy.
Please use these instructions in conjunction with our videos, as they contain more information on items needed, their sources and technique
Difficulty factor 10 - 10
Please note, that we do not make costumes to order or to hire. These are one off costumes designed for Tracy.
Please use these instructions in conjunction with our videos, as they contain more information on items needed, their sources and technique
Fabric bought from FabricFreya (Etsy)
3 Metres of fabric 44" wide for the back (112cm) (substitute for your measurements)
120cms of fabric for the skirt front
30cms for the sleeves
Total fabric 5 metres
1 Metre pink cotton fabric for trim
10 metres lace ribbon trim
3 Metres of fabric 44" wide for the back (112cm) (substitute for your measurements)
120cms of fabric for the skirt front
30cms for the sleeves
Total fabric 5 metres
1 Metre pink cotton fabric for trim
10 metres lace ribbon trim
Follow the measuring instructions for the length of the "Train".
If you're making it traditionally Georgian, then you would need 4 lengths of fabric at 20" wide to make the back pleat. You can if you want use 44" wide as we are, you can still put in a false seam if you want, to make it look like you have used 4 lengths of material.
We have decided to just make 2 lengths of fabric 44" wide You have to consider the pattern on the fabric, especially if you need to line it up to match. There is a definite flower pattern on our fabric, so before cutting a second piece, it needs to be matched, cut off this excess first, then you can cut it to your length. Sew up the back seam and press it open. |
Now to pleat. I hope that the picture explains it, but if not, its on the video. Where I have put a question mark, is where you decide how wide you want the pleat to be.
This shows the "hidden pleat", being pushed under the last pleat out of sight.
The finished pleats should fit exactly the width of the bodice back. Put the two fabrics together wrong side to wrong side and pin in several places to secure.
NOTE: If you read ahead, you will see that at this stage, the back pleats are NOT sewn onto the bodice. You make the bodice up as a separate item. We got this wrong :( |
Cut a 2cm diagonal at the arm hole edge of the bodice and turn a side hem of 2cm.
At this stage, the pocket slit can be sewn, but only the top 1" of the seam is to be sewn shut. Leave a pocket gap of approximately 10", allowing you to sew the side seam down to the hem.
NOTE: At this stage, I still have not neatened the seam allowance for the pocket, this can be done after the side seam has been sewn. |
Take a measurement over the shoulder piece allowing for seam allowance on all sides. Turn under the seam and pin then sew the fabric over the shoulder. At the back, aim to create a 45 degree angle and try to meet the corner with the sleeve seam, but do not sew this end piece down just yet, we are now going to sew in the fill in piece across the back.
Now for the hem. Because Tracy is short, we want to make it so that we could let the hem down, if in the future, we decide to sell the gown.
We also want to be able to remove the back section of hem, so that it can be detached and cleaned if necessary. We have cut two pieces for the side skirt, 20cms wide and the long back section is 30cm wide, that is to allow for the train that will be dragging on the floor. If you do not want to do this, then just make up a piece of fabric that you will measure all the way along your hem.
To save on fabric, we have made the back section from a similar cotton fabric. As this is not going to be seen, it will not matter. |
We will be sewing on one section at a time. turn a front and side seam. We will not be attaching the facing directly to the bottom of the skirt, but approximately 8-10 from the bottom edge, we will not be cutting this off as we will need it to extend the hem if necessary at a later date.
Each of the three sections is sewn onto the hem individually. |
Pleats and Embelllishments
This shows the front and back. We will be stitching a decorative edging on later.
Cut a piece of fabric approximately 40cm x 8cm wide and sew on the trim. Using small pleats, sew two lines of stitching for gathering.
This completes the embellishments.